Weather Photography

IMPORTANT: We are in the process of expanding this portfolio. This portfolio will include more than lightning. It will eventually include photographs that depict all types of weather. This includes the aftermath of mother nature as well.

Weather has the ability to change in the blink of an eye. There are challenges associated with weather that make it difficult at times to photograph. But, when the elements are just right some amazing photographs can come from it.

There is a level of adrenaline that begins to race through the body when a lightning strike, such as the first photograph in this portfolio shows. This wishbone shape strike occurred in an open field directly in front of the camera.

Witnessing first hand, a lightning strike touch down south of the camera and continue to arc towards the north and then striking in a field behind the camera is a truly sobering feeling

Learning how to think in a calmly during intense situations like severe weather can assist in producing some compelling photographs. This portfolio will show weather photography, as well as, the destruction that it can cause afterwards.

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