Historic Route 66

The goal of this portfolio and project is to bring attention to the public and to those who have the authority to bring about the change needed to ultimately revitalize the Historic Route 66. All the  way from Chicago, Illinois to Santa Monica, California, the current state of this piece of Americana  depicts a hit and miss adventure for those looking to travel America's past time. There are locations along Route 66 that provide nothing more than an opportunity to become a drug addict. But, there are other locations that are still thriving with business.

The Historic Route 66 adventure is an eight state 2400 mile that stretch. The history associated with this stretch of highway dates back as far as the 1920's. It was once called the "Main Street of America". In the 50's, the progress of greed, speed, and politics have reduced the route to skeletal remains in a lot of places.

In the past, Route 66 was considered a main thoroughfare of travel because of the numerous small towns, businesses, lodging, and gas stations that existed along the infamous stretch of highway. Subsequently, the Great Depression played an integral part in families moving from the east coast to the west coast looking for work. However, the highway began to be realigned making room for new highways with a higher speed limit. As result, and little by little the alignment of Route 66 was changing.

Some businesses made it through the change. However, there were others that completely disappeared. As many others have said before, it is truly sad this piece of American history is being destroyed. And for what? The need for another exit or newer highway? This has been an ongoing project over the last six years and will continue on until we have photographed the route from beginning to end.

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