Deadpan Photography

There are many different classifications of photography. Since the 1920's, Deadpan Photography has remained among some of the classifications and is not widely utilized among photographers. Most people think of fashion or product photography, or even the cliche portrait style of photography. However, there is a layer that is situated beneath the superficial thought process. That layer is where Deadpan photography rests.

There is an aspect of comfortability with Deadpan photography. What the style of Deadpan lacks, relative to the everyday  photograph, is what sets it apart. Deadpan is the most honest and factual type of photograph. It forces a non-judgemental critique without the emotional response. This style, while lacking the fuzzy emotions, doesn’t intrude on other realms of human emotion. The photograph says "This is the way it is. Nothing more, nothing less." A clinical psychologist refer to this type of photograph by saying "It’s a photograph with a flat affect".

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