6x12 Lomo-Belair Jetsetter

IMPORTANT: Mike & Aleah are in the process of expanding this portfolio.

In today's market, there are several different analogue cameras to choose from. One camera that we use is the medium format 6x12 Belair Jetsetter Lomography Camera. It is a folding medium format camera with a bellows. This camera comes with a range finder that mounts on top of the camera to help judge composition and placement of elements in the scene.

Additionally, it has three  framing formats (6x6, 6x9, and 6x12) to photograph with, two different lenses, and utilizes the infamous 120 roll film.

Unfortunately, this camera isn't made anymore. However, Ebay or Amazon has been known to have some ot the 6x12 Belair Jetsetter camera's for sale. Lomography.com is also another good site to check out for analogue cameras.

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