4x5 Toyo Field Camera

IMPORTANT: Mike & Aleah are in the process of expanding this portfolio.

The 4x5 Toyo Field Camera is an easy choice when photographing outdoors. The logistics involved with large format equipment are very different than traditional D.S.L.R. cameras and require more planning. Having the ability to fold this camera down to a manageable size makes it easy to travel with.

The process associated with creating a photograph with this camera is nearly the same as using the 4x5 Harman Titan Pinhole or the 4x5 Gundlach Camera. The difference between all three, in this case, is the use of the Kodak Portra 400 4x5 C-41 sheet film.

Planning and execution are very important when creating a photograph with any 4x5 sheet film. The cost per sheet for the Kodak Portra 400 is around $8.00 per sheet with 10 sheets of 4x5 film in each box.

The mindset associated most analogue photography is methodical at its very core. It forces the photographer to slow down, make calculated decisions, and execute those decisions.

In contrast, digital photography tends to lean towards the "shoot in quantity and hope for some good photos" method. Every photographer should adopt the "Analogue Mindset" when creating any type of photograph. What's the hurry?

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