There are so many different types of cameras to choose from when creating a photograph. One camera that we have had a lot of fun with is the medium format 6x12 Belair Jetsetter Lomography Camera. It is a folding toy camera with bellows. It has a range finder that mounts on top of the camera to help judge the composition of the scene. It has three different framing formats (6x6, 6x9, and 6x12) to photograph with, two different lenses, and utilizes 120 roll film. This camera isn't made anymore. However, you may be able to find it on Ebay or even Amazon. We purchased our 6x12 Belair Jetsetter from who was the manufacturer of the camera. Lomography has a wide variety of unique analogue cameras and film to purchase.


The photographs shown in this portfolio were created using the medium format Belair Jetsetter Camera with the 6x9 crop, Lomo 120 ISO 400 color roll film. All of these photographs were developed using an outside source because of time and convenience. The developing techniques and post processing techniques are similar to the 4x5 formatt. This set of photographs were scanned into the digital environment, color balanced, straightened, and edited to remove any annoying imperfections from the development process which show up all over the film. The removal of those imperfections is still a long process like the 4x5 sheet film and can take just as much time as the processing of 4x5 film. It just depends on how dirty the chemicals were at the time of development. The length of time it takes to complete the process iis very close to the same as the 4x5 film.


Planning and execution are very important when creating a photograph with any 120 roll of film. The cost per each photograph for the 120 ISO 400 color roll film is around $1.00 per photograph at 10 photographs per roll depending on the format. The mindset associated with this type of analogue photography is methodical at its very core. It forces the photographer to slow down, make calculated decisions, and execute those decisions. This is in stark contrast to the digital side of photography where the "shoot in quantity and hope for some good photo's" method is quite often used. Every photographer should adopt the "Analogue Mindset" when creating any type of photograph.



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