The beginning of the 4x5 Gundlach Camera can be traced back to 1879. Ernst Gundlach and Lewis R. Sexton are the original founders of the 4x5 Gundlach camera. Gundlach and Sexton were both involved in optical goods manufacturing and trading. In 1894, the Gundlach Optical Trading Company was registered. Between 1894 and 1902 Gundlach Optical Trading acquired a few businesses along the way. A couple of Gundlach's acquisitions include the Milburn Korona Company and the Manhattan Optical Company. In 1902, with the merger of Gundlach Optical and Manhattan Optical, the name was changed to Gundlach-Manhattan Optical Company. The Gundlach-Manhattan Optical company would change names several more times until it landed on Dynamic Optics, Inc. Dynamic Optics, Inc remained until the doors closed in 1972.


The photographs shown in this portfolio were created using a 4x5 Gundlach Camera, 8x10 Ilford Photographic Paper, a light meter for exposure calculations, a timer, a dark cloth, a focusing loop, and patience. Each 8x10 sheet of photographic paper was cut down to a 4x5 size to fit into a film slide on the back of the 4x5 Gundlach Camera. All of these photographs were developed in our bathtub at our home with 4x5 developing trays, and a darkroom safe-light in the bathroom. All six of them were washed then scanned into the digital environment. These photographs are true to their form and nature. The imperfections of the camera, paper, and development process are what gives each photograph its character. The primitive nature of this alternative process is what transports the imagination to a different era of time. Whenever you create a photograph utilizing such a primitive method there is no reason to take away from the beauty of the 4x5 Gundlach Camera.

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